The photograph we show here might be a bit hazy, but we are sure you will agree that our fond memories of those bygone days seem to get even sharper as we advance in years and it's often the case that we soon forget more recent times. Keeping that thought (hopefully) in mind and maybe having stirred up some of your own memories, we would like to invite you to tell us about your days spent 'spotting' at Grantham Station.
We are currently gathering information and anecdotes for a series of future articles about trainspotting at Grantham, especially during the late 1950s and early 1960s. We are also putting together a separate article that will look at typical passenger, freight and parcels workings through Grantham, specifically focussing on the 1961 Summer Timetable. If you have spotting notes, amusing tales, personal recollections or even photographs from the above era, please do get in touch. Your memories, notes and surviving jottings will help us to record and once again bring alive those halcyon days.
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