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After a few technical issues we have now been able to republish a new page on the Tracks through Grantham website. After Derek Meads had sent in a comment about one of our previous articles we invited him to tell us about his own memories of visiting Grantham. We are sure that you will enjoy reading Derek's nostalgic recollections in - Oh for a Time Machine!  There's a link to the page here

A new page has been added to the Tracks through Grantham website. After Derek Meads had sent in a comment about one of our articles we invited him to tell us about his own memories of visiting Grantham. We are sure that you will enjoy reading Derek's nostalgic recollections in - Oh for a Time Machine!  There's a link to the page here

As a means of monitoring and potentially improving the way in which content is displayed on the Tracks through Grantham website, we would like to invite you to take part in a very short survey.  To leave your response please go to the Contact Us or Subscribe page via the link and complete a Contact Form.  Submissions will not be published.

Note: Your feedback on Question 1 is our primary need, so please respond to that even if you have nothing to say on Questions 2, 3 or 4.

  1. When you are reading through our articles, do you sometimes have problems with the photographs displaying properly? If so please provide a brief description of your experience with this problem and the type of device you are using when visiting the website. If all is fine with the photographs displaying, then still let us know about that too.   
  2. What aspects of the Grantham railway scene do you enjoy reading about? Again, just a short reply will help, but would you like to contribute towards future content yourself?
  3. When visiting the website, are you looking for any specific content, or do you just casually read through everything? We would love to know, but you can also tell us about your own Grantham railway related interests.
  4. Finally, we would like to think that the Tracks through Grantham website brings enjoyment to all those who visit us, but can you think of any potential improvements? Please provide us with your thoughts.                                                                                                                                                                                              Thanks in advance for your help with our survey. Mel Smith & John Clayson.